Food Safety

A major function of Shelby City Health Department’s Environmental Health program is inspection and licensing of food service/retail food operations in the city. State regulations require that each retail food operation be licensed and inspected by the health department. The department also responds to food safety complaints submitted by the public.

Licensed food safety operations include restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, bakeries, coffee shops, vending machine locations, mobile food trucks, and temporary event vendors. There are two types of food establishments: Food Service Operations (FSO) or Retail Food Establishments (RFE). A food service operation is a site or location where food is served or prepared in individual portions and sold for a charge or required donation. A retail food establishment is a location where food is stored, processed, or prepared for retail sale. See the link posted below for the most current detailed definitions of food safety operations.

Temporary food licenses are required for any facilities that will be in operation for one to five days. These temporary operations are often found at local festivals, fairs, auctions, and other events and sell or accept donations for food for a temporary period of time. If you are planning to sell food to the public for a limited time in the city of Shelby, please contact the health department at least 5 business days prior to the event to obtain the necessary license.

Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code

Plan Reviews

All new food establishments must submit a plan review application prior to the planned opening of the new establishment. The application is then reviewed and the REHS will either approve your plan review or contact you for more information within 30 days. You can download a copy of the plan review application below or pick one up in our office.

Food Safety Training

Level One and Level Two Food Safety courses are mandated for personnel who work in food service environments.

Level One certification in food protection is mandated for the person in charge per shift of risk level I, II, III, and IV food service operations or retail food establishments in the following instances:

  • Any licensed RFE/FSO that was initially licensed after March 1, 2010; or
  • Any facility that has been implicated in a foodborne disease outbreak; or
  • Any facility that has a documented failure to maintain sanitary conditions.

Level Two certification in food protection is a more extensive course for the food manager. Level III and IV operations must have at least one supervisor with a Level Two Food Safety Certification.

Please see links below for how to get your food safety certification.

Ohio Food Safety Certifications

Ohio ServSafe Person-In-Charge Online Course

Director of Environmental Health
Gillian Olsen, REHS/RS

  • Phone 419-342-5226

    Fax 567-275-0440

  • 43 W Main St
    Shelby, OH 44875


Monday – Friday
8:00AM – 4:00PM
Saturday – Sunday

For After Hours Emergencies and Reports, call 419-342-5226. Your call will be transferred to the Shelby Police Department