The health department is responsible for inspecting and licensing a variety of local businesses, including body art facilities and public swimming pools. The department also ensures that all public and private schools have a safe and clean environment that is conducive to learning. This includes inspection of playgrounds, classrooms, and cafeteria kitchens in the school.

Body Art Facilities

Body art is the practice of physical body adornment, including tattoos, permanent cosmetics, and body piercings. All facilities within Shelby that provide body art services are inspected and permitted through the local health department. Annual inspections are performed to ensure appropriate safety measures are in place.

Ohio Department of Health Body Art Information

Cosmetic Products & Ingredients

Public Swimming Pools

To ensure public safety, all public swimming pools are inspected and licensed by the health department. Public pools are subject to rules established in the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code for construction, operation, water quality, and safety.

Ohio Department of Health Public Swimming Pool Rules and Regulations

Director of Environmental Health
Gillian Olsen, REHS/RS

Administrative Professional
Sue Shenberger

  • Phone 419-342-5226

    Fax 567-275-0440

  • 43 W Main St
    Shelby, OH 44875


Monday – Friday
8:00Am – 4:00PM
Saturday – Sunday

For After Hours Emergencies and Reports, call 419-342-5226. Your call will be transferred to the Shelby Police Department